What is Family Mediation?

​If you are separating from your spouse, you may want to consider using family mediation as a way to negotiate the terms of your separation.  (Mediation is also a great process to negotiate a pre-nuptial agreement or marriage contract.)

As a family mediator, I would sit down with you and your spouse and we would work through all of the legal issues.

Once all issues are resolved between you and your spouse, I would draft a separation agreement.

I believe that the mediation process is by far the best way for clients to separate amicably. It is also the least expensive option using legal professionals.

But mediation isn’t for everyone.  From my experience, the clients who fair the best in mediation are those who have a reasonably high level of initiative (can do their “homework” on their own outside of the mediation sessions) and can sit in the same room with their spouse and have a mature conversation.

For more information about my mediation process, check out “How Does Mediation Work?” and “FAQ about Mediation“.

I would be happy to discuss your matter in confidence.

Neeraj Goel
Accredited Family Mediator & Family Lawyer


100 King Street West – Suite 5700
Toronto, Ontario, M5X 1C7
Tel: 416-913-1994



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